
更新时间:2022-06-14 21:43:10 观后感 我要投稿

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Introduction to The Hound of Baskervilles Red?Big?Enormous?Burning?Unnatural?That is the image from the people who claims thar they have seen the hound.But is it real?

In order to find out the truth and Pvent the murder from taking place in Baskervilles , Mr. Holmes with Dr. Watson and his principal , Charles Baskerville goes to Baskerville and is faced with lots of strange things. However, all the things that happen around them can not confuse Sherlock Holmes. He finds out the relationship among the things and finally exposes the truth about wealth and reputation. In the end, Holmes helps Mr. Charlesout of danger and kills the “hound”

Review of the Hound of Baskervilles

Sherlock Holmes is one of the best known detectives.Though he lives in the world which Conan Doyle creates,he is brave and intelligent enough to charm lots of people.

This time Sherlock is faced with a challenging case.There is a

legend that a hound used to kill people in Baskerville families and it is at large in the "gloomy marsh" now.Sherlock is not going to Baskerville to deal with the case by himself. Instead, he send Doctor Waston there to search as much information as he can.In fact ,Sherlo-ck himself is also in Baskerville, hidden in the swamp in order not to be suspected. That is just a surprise which the writer gives us. The cry from the maid in the dark and some fragments of a letter add more terror to the story.So you can see that Kolan Doyle is good at filling his novel with excitements and dismissing any detail.

The Hound of Baskervilles is my favorite story of the Sherlock Hol-mes series, not just because of the exciting storyline but also beca-use of the courage Mr.Holmes shows.Why Holmes can always discover thetruth?Where is his courage from? I suppose that Mr.Holmes has a

strong brief in justice. "Justice triumphs in the end", you know. Thejustice from your heart can always defeat the evil and lead you to a bright life.


A World Without Thieves is a Chinese action &drama film, who is directed by Feng Xiaogang,

director of a number of excellent films in China. It has an all-star cast,including Andy Lau,Rene Liu and Ge You.

The story is set mainly on a train. Sha Gen (played by Wang Baoqiang), a lovely village boy working as construction worker, is returning home to get married. He carries his five years of

savings worth ¥60,000 with him. Thus, he has attracted the attention of Wang Bo (played by Andy Lau) and Wang Li (played by Rene Liu), a pair of lovers who are also highly skilled thieves.

Wang Bo wants to steal the ¥60,000 but Wang Li, moved by Sha Gen's innocence(纯真) , decides to protect the boy.They begin a fight with a small gang of thieves led by Hu Li, also known as Uncle Li (played by Ge You)….

The film is moving and entertaining . Ge You’s humorous lines will make you laugh.

It is a masterpiece. It shows the theme of human goodness and also uncovers humorously the problem of common thievery on public transport in Mainland China. Go and see A World Without Thieves.It will make your heart shocked.





Outline of the passage:


Paragraph 1 to introduce the stars and director of the


Paragraph 2 to give a brief description of it.

Paragraph 3 to make a brief review.


drama, masterpiece, moving, entertaining



A World Without Thieves is ①Chinese action &drama film, which is directed by Feng Xiaogang, a②director of a number of excellent films in China. It has an all-star cast,including Andy Lau,Rene Liu and Ge You.

The story is set mainly on a train. Sha Gen (played by Wang Baoqiang), a lovely village boy working as construction worker, is returning home to get married. He carries his five years of saving③worth ¥60,000 with him. Thus, he has attracted the attention of Wang Bo (played by

Andy Lau) and Wang Li (played by Rene Liu), a pair of lovers who are also high④skilled thieves. Wang Bo wants to steal the ¥60,000 but Wang Li, moved by Sha Gen's innocence(纯真) , decide⑤ to protect the boy.They begin a fight with a small gang of thieves leading ⑥by Hu Li, also known as Uncle Li (played by Ge You)….

The film is moving and entertaining . Ge You’s humorous lines will make you laugh.

It is a masterpiece. It shows the theme of human goodness and also uncovers humorously the problem of common thievery on public transport in Mainland China. Go and see A World Without Thieves.It will make your heart shocking⑦.


本篇习作以三段式展开,能使读者对这部电影有个清晰的认识,能激发读者的观看欲望。 本文语言流畅,句式多样, 如使用了非限制性定语从句which is directed by Feng Xiaogang. including结构、现在分词做定语working as construction worker;过去分词做定语moved by Sha Gen's innocence(纯真) , also known as Uncle Li (played by Ge You)。在语言的运用上使用了一些较高级的词汇如: a number of; entertaining;masterpiece;shocked等,增加了文章的亮点。当然,文中也存在着一些明显的需要改善的地方,建议修改如下:

①在is后加a。a Chinese action &drama film.

②把a 去掉。在职位、官衔等名词前一般不用冠词。

③把saving改为savings。savings意思为 “积蓄;存款”。

④把high改为highly。highly意思为 “高度地;非常”,表示抽象意义。

⑤把decide改为decides。本句的主语为Wang Li,谓语动词用单数。

⑥把leading改为led 。thieves与lead为被动关系,用过去分词作后置定语。

⑦把shocking改为shocked。shock意思为 “使震惊;使震撼”。 your heart与shock为被动关系。










