with的用法总结 和and有什么区别

1、词性不同。with 是介词,而and是连词。
2、在句子中的作用不同。 and连接的词属于并列成分,A and B中,A B是平行的而WITH和后面的词构成“介词+宾语”的结构A with B中,A B是不平行的,A是主要成分,with B则是个附属成分等。
一、with 结构作定语,修饰前面的名词 (可以是紧跟的名词,也可以是不紧跟的名词,)作定语,带有.....的特征。
1、 with 结构修饰名词,with 作后置定语,不紧跟前面名词的情况。
例,Bihar is India's poorest state, with an annual per capita income of $111, lower than that of the mostimpoverished countries of the world.
with 结构 修饰 Bihar:
2、with 结构修饰名词,紧跟名词的情况。
例,Under the restructuring, the huge organization that operates the company's basic businesses will be divided into five groups, each with its own executive.
with 结构修饰 each (group):
例,With total sales of less than three hundred dollars and fewer new subscribers than last year, the New England.
Theatre Company is in danger of losing its building.
with 作伴随状语:
曼哈顿论坛Ron 对 with 作伴随状语的解释:
It appears that "with" may be used with a present participle (-ING form) to represent.
circumstances that are contemporaneous with the action described in the main clause.
大意是,with 引导的状语,与主句动词动作同时发生。
四、用,以,借,在……的帮助下。语法作用:修饰 动词。
with 解释为,在……的帮助下。修饰动词producing
Dolphins lack vocal cords, but they do create sounds, producing a complicated system of whistles, squeaks, moans, trills and clicks with sphincter muscles inside the blowhole.
with 解释为,用……,修饰动词portray:
George Sand was one of the first European writers to consider the rural poor.
legitimate subjects for literature and to portray them with sympathy and respect in her novels.