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August 2nd;
如果他们在8月2日之前通过该标准,还将获得冲顶比赛(Race to the Top)的额外加分。
They will earn extra points in the Race to the Top if they approve the standards by August second.


  他们同其他右翼亲茶党(tea party)人士一道,声称8月2日的最后期限是个谎言,并补充道,政府可以用贷款支付利息,不会出现违约。


  Along with other rightwing tea party loyalists, they contend that the August 2 deadline is a myth, adding that the government can pay the interest on its loans without defaulting.

  例如,纽约梅隆银行(bank of new york mellon)认为8月2日爆发危机的可能性是大约10%的尾部风险。

  Bank of New York Mellon, for example, reckons the chance of a crisis on August 2 to be a "tail" risk of about 10 per cent.

  美国总统(barack obama)警告称,假如国会未能在8月2日之前提高政府债务上限,将对资本市场和美国经济产生“重大且不可预料的”影响。

  A failure by Congress to increase US borrowing authority by August 2 would have a "significant and unpredictable" impact on capital markets and the US economy, Barack Obama has warned.