




  1、名词可以作主语。比如:  The bag is red.  这个包是红色的。The boy like study English.  这个男孩喜欢学英语。The cat is very beautiful.  这只猫很漂亮。


  2、代词可以作主语,而且在使用反义疑问句的时候,主语只能用代词。比如: It’s OK.  没问题。The girl is very cute, isn’t he?  这个女孩是不是很可爱?It is very interseting for us to see the movie. 我们看的电影真有趣。

  3、不定式可以作主语。比如: To do more exercises is important for our health.  多做运动对我们的健康非常重要。To get up early is necessary.   早起是很必要的。To finish the work took me one day.    完成这项工作花了我一天时间。

  4、动名词可以作主语。比如: Somking is bad habit.  抽烟是一个坏习惯。Writing is a good way to study English.   写作是学习英语的好方法。Swimming is very interesting.    游泳非常有趣。

  5、数词可以作主语。比如:Three will be enough.  三个是足够的。Two children cleans the classroom.  两个孩子打扫教室。Six student accpet this plan.  六个同学同意这个计划。

  6、名词化的形容词可以作主语。比如:the sick need to be good care of.   生病的人需要好好照顾。Impossible is nothing.  任何事都是可能的。The beautiful of gril make me pleasure.  女孩的美丽让我感到开心。

  7、短语可以作主语。比如 :Eating much fruit is good for our health.   多吃水果对我们的健康有好处。Runing in the road is good way to excise our body.  奔跑是运动身体的好方法。Reading English in the moring is useful for our spoken language.在早晨阅读英语是对英语口语有好处的。

  8、从句可以作主语。比如:That the earth goes aroud the sun is truth. 地球围着太阳转。What has happened proves that the boy is thief. 这些事证明了这个小男孩是小偷。.Whether we’ll go to trip depends on my emition.是否要去旅行看我的心情。