
更新时间:2022-06-16 11:34:33 话题作文 我要投稿

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With the development of technology, today, people has many fast ways to have access to the knowledge, such as click on the computer, what we want to know can immediately Psent in front of us. The fast reading way is very convenient, but students start to read outside the college less, because it takes time. Readingoutside the college is necessary, we can’t ignore.   随着科技的发展,人们可以通过很多方式来获取知识,比如按一下电脑,我们想知道的立刻出现在面前。这种快速阅读的方式很方便,但是学生开始减少课外阅读,因为这花时间。课外阅读很必要的,我们不能忽视。  

First, reading outside the college can broaden our visional field. What we learn from class is limited, we need to read as more as possible to fulfill our mind. So when we do some research paper, we will have different ideas and provide some creativity. What’s more, such books are interesting, we will have fun outside the class.   *,课外阅读可以开阔视野。我们在课堂学到的是有限的,我们需要尽可能多阅读以此来充实我们的思想。所以当我们做一些调查时,会有不同的看法,并提供创意。而且,这样的书本是很有趣的,我们可以在课外找到乐趣。  Second, reading outside the college can cultivate people’s reading behavior. We read in school because we are forced, we have teachers to look at us. Once we are out of school, no one’s watching us, we’ll leave the books behind easily. Books are profound and we can gain much knowledge, we need to read them all the time, the reading behavior should be cultivated.   第二,课外阅读可以培养我们的阅读习惯。我们在学校读书是因为强制,有教师监督着。一旦我们离开学校,没有人监督,我们会很容易把书本丢掉。书本是很有益的,我们可以学到很多知识,我们需要一直阅读,应该要培养阅读的习惯  Readingis important to us, we should increase interest in reading outside the college.   阅读对我们来说很重要,我们应该提高课外阅读的兴趣。


I think reading is important in the whole life for people. There are many benefits of reading. Firstly, reading increases our knowledge and we can learn the world affairs without going out. Secondly, reading is a good way to improve reading and writing skills.   Before you learn to write, you must know how others write. Thirdly, reading can broaden our knowledge and horizon, which is important to job hunting in the future. Finally, reading helps us become self-cultivation that would be beneficial to our whole life. Therefore, start to reading, no matter how old you are and what you are doing. Then, you may find the great charm and benefits of reading.   我认为阅读对人们来说是终身受用的。阅读有许多好处。首先,读书可以使我们增长见识,不出门,便可知天下事。其次,读书能够使我们的阅读和写作能力得到提高。  在你学会如何写之前,你得首先知道别人怎么写。再者,阅读能扩宽我们的知识面和眼界,这对我们将来找工作是很重要的。*后,阅读使我们变得有修养,这对我们一生都是很有好处的。因此,不管你现在多大,不管你在干什么,现在就开始读书吧。然后,你就会发现阅读的魅力和好处了。


As the development of the world, there is more and more entertainment for people to kill time. Reading used to be an important amusement. But now there are less and less people fond of reading. But there are still a large number of people stand on the side of reading. For me, I think reading is very important. The reasons are as following.   随着世界的发展,越来越多娱乐供人们消磨时光。阅读在过去常常就是一种重要的娱乐。但现在却越来越少人喜欢阅读了。但仍然还有很多人是喜欢看书的。对我来说,我认为阅读是很重要的。理由如下。  First of all, reading can broaden our vision. The main way we learn the things happen long time ago is according to the book. People will try their best to write the things in their stage in their way. When we read books, we have the opportunity to learn everything. The content in the books contains the knowledge all over the world and every aspect. We can read the knowledge about biography, science, technology, culture, economic and so on from the book. It is hard not to broaden vision from reading.   首先,阅读可以开阔我们的视野。我们了解很久以前发生的事情的主要方式是通过阅读。人们用他们自己的方式尽自己*大的努力写关于他们那个年代的事情。我们看书的时候,我们才有机会了解到一切。书中的内容包含知识的方方面面。通过书籍我们可以了解到关于传记,科学,技术,文化,经济等方面的知识。从阅读中,我们的视野很难不被拓宽。  Secondly, reading can cultivate our taste. I am sure that reading some elegant sentence or the beautiful things described in the book will make us feel relax and comfortable. And we all know that the more knowledge a person has, the better-behaved he will be. I think this is the charming of reading. If there are more people like reading, the world will become more civilized.   其次,阅读可以陶冶我们的情操。我相信阅读一些优美的句子或者书中描述的美丽东西会使我们感到放松和舒适。我们都知道一个人拥有的知识越多,那个人就会表现得越好。我觉得这就是阅读的魅力。如果有更多的人喜欢阅读,这个世界会变得更加文明。  The importance mentioned above just a part of reading. It has so many advantages that I can’t list all in a short time. It is irreplaceable in human beings’ life.   上面所提到的重要性只是其中一部分。阅读有很多的优点,在短时间内我都不能一一列举我不能列举。它在人类的生活中是不可替代的。










