


  • 相关推荐
1. agree on (通过协商)达到共识;
2. call on拜访;看望;
3. come on快点,加油,跟着来;
4. on display在展出;
5. fix one’s eyes on注视;
6. hang on稍等,别挂断;
7. on holiday度假,休假;
8. play a joke on 和某人开玩笑;
9. keep on 继续


  10. live on以……为食;靠……生活;


  11. pass on 传递;

  12. put on 穿上;戴;

  13. turn on打开;旋转(收音机;电灯;煤气);

  14. work on从事于;致力于;

  15. on time 准时;

  16. on vacation 度假;

  17. on one's own 独自地;独立地;

  18. on one's side 在某人一边;

  19. on one's way to 在去……的路上;

  20. on foot步行;

  21. on the one hand...;on the other hand 一方面;另一方面;

  22. on the phone=over the phone 在听电话;

  23. on the right 在右边;

  24. on time 准时;

  25. take on 呈现;接纳;承担;从事;

  26. try on 试穿;

  27. be on 上演; 上映;

  28. decide on 选定;决定;

  29. from now on 从现在起;今后;

  30. from then on 从那时起